Sunday, 18 November 2007

The national security of Israel

Two weeks ago when I was innocently standing on King David Street across from the King David Hotel one of the border policemen approached me and asked if I was part of the demonstration that night. The demonstrators held posters which said things like "Olmert was falling for Abbas Bluff'". They were demonstrating against the meeting at the hotel where Blair, Olmert and Rice were present.

I informed the eager policeman that I was not part of the demonstration. Undeterred he informed me that I must move on.

Where is the rule of law in Israel? Where is the check on the abuse of power by policemen who can act according to their arbitrary whim? Where is our sound judgment?

We can all see where the real potential danger to the national security of Israel comes from. However do not worry as Hashem is running the show.

It must be zman l'moshiach!

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